Wellness Through Virtual Reality

Transform Your Life with Our VR Therapy

Our Virtual Reality (VR) therapy is the star focus of our practice. Experience a revolutionary way to address mental well-being.

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“Discover your Wellbeing”
Clinical and Forensic Psychologist, PsyD Verified by Psychology Today

Welcome to the office of Dr. Sandra Castillo, a licensed clinical and forensic psychologist in the state of Florida. At our practice, we are dedicated to helping you improve your quality of life, develop a positive self-concept, and address past traumas while enhancing your personal strengths.

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Our Therapeutic Approach

Treatments Based on Positive Psychology

At Positive Health Psychology Associates, our therapeutic approach is based on Positive Psychology. Discover how we help you find happiness and balance in your life.

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Personalized Therapy

Your Journey to Wellbeing

We believe in the importance of personalized therapy. We will accompany you every step of your journey towards mental well-being.

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Discover Your Wellbeing in VR
Learn more about VR therapy and how it can transform your life!
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Take the first step towards your mental well-being today.
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Discover how we help you find happiness and balance in your life.
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Take the first step towards a healthier and more balanced life.

Virtual Reality: Recovery and Wellbeing

A Tour of Our Journey in Recovery and Mental Wellness

Throughout our history, we have evolved in the search for innovative solutions in the field of mental health. Our Virtual Reality (VR) therapy is one of the most exciting innovations we have incorporated, providing effective and transformative results.


Facing emotional challenges during adolescence can be difficult. Our virtual reality therapy offers teens a safe and effective space to address stress, anxiety, and other challenges.


We recognize that mental health affects the entire family. Our virtual reality therapy is a valuable tool to promote well-being within the family.


Virtual reality therapy is an innovative solution to overcome trauma, anxiety and other emotional obstacles that can affect adults in their daily lives.


Strengthen your relationship and improve communication through our VR therapy designed for couples. Discover how virtual reality can help strengthen emotional connection.

Our Mental Health Services

Personalized Attention for your Mental Well-being

We are dedicated to providing you with comprehensive care for your mental health. Our services are specifically designed to address your individual needs, whether you are seeking individual therapy, couples therapy, child and adolescent counseling, or clinical and forensic evaluations. Our team of highly qualified professionals is committed to helping you achieve a healthier, more balanced life. Discover how our services can make a difference in your emotional and psychological well-being.

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Trauma Informed Care

We offer comprehensive support and specialized therapies to overcome trauma and post-traumatic stress disorder.

Individual Psychotherapy

We work with you to reach your maximum potential and emotional well-being through personalized sessions.

Couple/Marriage Therapy

We strengthen relationships, improve communication and offer advice to couples.

Therapy for Children and Adolescents

We create a safe environment for young people to develop social skills and manage emotional challenges.

Clinical and Forensic Evaluations

We perform comprehensive evaluations and offer treatment recommendations based on accurate diagnoses.

Schedule your appointment today!

We are ready to help you on your path to well-being. Schedule your appointment today and start transforming your life. Our team of professionals is here to support you every step of the way.

Success Stories and Personal Experiences

What Our Patients Say

Discover the experiences of those who have found support and transformation in our therapeutic approach. Our patients share their stories of improvement and how therapy has had a positive impact on their lives.

VR therapies I received from Dr Sandra Castillo, improved my life from top to bottom. I highly recommend it.
Maria Perez
Doral, Florida
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Welcome to our blog, where you will find a variety of informative articles and news related to mental health, innovative VR therapies, and tips to improve your well-being.

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